ReadyToTest.com is a service of the Distance Learning Center, LLC
Welcome to ReadyToTest.com

ReadyToTest.com was founded in 2001 to assist counseling professionals who are working to obtain a credential (licensure or certification) as a drug and/or alcohol counselor. All states, as well as many countries, recognize drug and alcohol counseling professionals by offering counselor licensure or certification in various ways. Some states offer licensure and as such, have a state office or agency in charge of such credentialing. Other states offer credentialing through private certification/credentialing boards, who are typically members or in cooperation with one of the following bodies: ​​
Depending on the credential offered in your state or country, individuals seeking a credential to practice drug and alcohol counseling will be required to obtain a specified number of education and work experience hours, and the pass a written credentialing examination (some credentialing bodies also require an oral examination). To learn more about requirements in your state or country, or how to contact the appropriate credentialing body, you can visit this website:​​
Different Students Require Different
Approaches to Learning

Along with our sister site, www.DLCAS.com, we are dedicated to providing not only quality training via distance learning, but a variety of resources to insure that candidates for credentialing are prepared to the best of their abilities, allowing them to successfully complete their credentialing examinations. ReadyToTest.com publications and materials can assist you in the following ways:
Provide written materials to help you review and/or prepare for your basic drug and alcohol credentialing examinations (appropriate for IC&RC, NAADAC, and most state-specific exams)
- a 700+ page content review manual for drug/alcohol credentialing
- "how-to" guides for both the written and oral exams, including sample written exams and sample oral responses
- online sample exams with immediate scoring and review; -
Provide written materials to help you review and/or prepare for your advanced drug/alcohol credentials (IC&RC and NAADAC offer advanced AODA credentialing) and/or specialty credentialing examinations
- a content review manual for the written clinical supervisor exam (offered by IC&RC member boards), including a sample written exam, developed by Dr. David Powell -
Set-up onsite review coursework for your staff at your own facility
Develop live training programs for delivery in your city, state, region
Provide online training, testing/evaluation using online and hard copy sample exams.

Proven Success: Over 40,000 students assisted, so far.

We Stand Behind our Guides

ReadyToTest has roots that extend back to 1992. While working with the federal “Project for Addiction Counselor Training” (PACT) in Texas, we helped train more than 300 new drug/alcohol counselors with the goal of increasing the diversity of the treatment field nationally. Texas alone provided more hours of education to students than all other States combined! Our greatest success, though, was in making sure our students had both the knowledge and skills needed to pass their national credentialing exam. Through the use of a series of handouts, outlines, and sample exams, we prepared those students to sit for their exam. Of 308 students who completed their training through PACT, 296 passed their exam on the first attempt; 10 passed the second time through, and only two students did not become credentialed, choosing instead to pursue other careers.
After the project ended, we realized that there was an ongoing need to help students prepare for and successfully navigate their national credentialing exam. So Getting Ready to Test: A Review and Preparation Manual for Drug and Alcohol Credentialing was born. We have currently assisted more than 40,000 students since the first edition was published in 1995. Our students (first-time test takers) pass their exam at a higher rate than the current national average, and many tell us that the review materials, test taking tips, and sample exams are a significant part of that success. Plus – our commitment to our students does not end until each is successful in obtaining the score needed to become a credentialed drug/alcohol counselor.
ReadyToTest.com guarantees your satisfaction with our materials. If you are unhappy with any of the study guides we will refund the full fee paid for any of our publications minus any applicable shipping and handling expenses. Refund requests must be submitted by email or in writing within 30 days of purchase, and no refund will be made until the customer returns the Ready to Test publication to our offices in a timely manner. Refunds CAN NOT be made for online sample examinations.
Student Testimonials
I am sending you this email to thank you for all of your work to get me through both the written and oral test for my LCADC credential. I passed my written test in June with a 620 score, and took my oral exam in July. I got the letter yesterday stating that I had passed the oral exam with a 92%! I appreciate all that you have done and the classes that I took with both of you definitely helped me out in preparing for both tests. I will definitely let people know at my current employment that the classes are very helpful. Again thank you.
I only wish that I was aware of your certification book 6 months ago rather than this week. In the 2 days I have had the book it has been invaluable for focused study. The best money I ever spent .
— D.V., Missouri
I took my ICRC exam once and failed, even though I studied hard. Then I found your review manual - what a great find! I was able to study so many areas with just one book, and even learned some new things that I didn't know. When I took the exam the second time, I sailed through it and passed with flying colors. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
— J.D., New York
I wanted to take the time to tell you and your staff how incredibly helpful the large study guide and the advanced supplement was to me in taking my exams last fall. I took the advanced CAC exam and the advanced CCDP exam, and I passed both, with room to spare.
The biggest help your guides provided was the section on "how" to take the test - how to choose the best answer, how to read the questions, etc. I am convinced that this made the difference for me, because it helped me not to get tricked by the wording of the questions on the exam.
The content was excellent as well. There were some questions on the test that were exactly based on something I studied in the guide!
Thanks very much, and I will continue to recommend your materials to others I know - they were absolutely worth the money.
— J.S., New Jersey
— E.P., Pennsylvania